Beyond Dream's Door
Beyond Dreams Door Buy Online


Woelfel manages to skillfully deliver chills with uncoventionally brooding and atmospheric images. Much of the effectiveness is that Woelfel never forgets his characters are human, and he never lets us forget it as well. This is almost certainly the most auspicious debut since Sam Raimi's. One can only hope that Woelfel gets further opportunities to display his talent.


BEYOND DREAM'S DOOR is one of the strangest movies I've seen. I've seen Yvonne DeCarlo eating human toes, so this is a very high compliment. I've watched it twice. Drive-In Academy Award nominations for Jay Woelfel...

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production notes

The story is half Lovecraft, half existential college hell. Ben is a student who has no dreams, not only at night but also during the day. He has no ambition. Ben is being chewed up by the repressed energy and potential he could have used for good. At the same time, he’s alone in the world as a quasi adult and his literally nightmarish problems force him to do what life does, which is reach out to strangers and try to make friends.

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Beyond Dream's Door

Ben Dobbs is a lonely college student who has never had dreams of any kind. This all changes for Ben and he start having a series of sequential and terrifying nightmares that become true in his waking life. As he reaches out for help, he is also expanding the net his nightmare demon is spreading for new victims. Ben’s challenge is to survive this new surrealistic world Beyond Dream’s Door.

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On Set Pics

Directed by: Jay Woelfel  |  Written by: Jay Woelfel
Cast: Nick Baldasare, Jorge Aguirre, Dianna Ashton, Scott Bauer, R. Michael Bell, Larry Bennett
Lisa Box, Daniel Carnevale, Andrew Conaway, Richard Davis, John Dunleavy
Produced by:  Dyrk Ashton, Susan Resatka, Scott Spears  |  Music:  Jay Woelfel 
Cinematography:  Scott Spears | Film Editing:  Susan Resatka, Randy Spears 
Production Management:  Steven E. Williams  |  Assistant Director:  Eric Swelstad, Rafael Rosado 
Sound Department:  Stan Eng | Special Effects: Scott Simonson

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